Thursday, July 25, 2013

Chile, a country of differences

Chile's social problems are many, beginning with the gap between rich and poor ... although progress has been made in some other topics we have been left behind as the issue of Abortion, gay marriage, Mapuche autonomy, etc.

The rate of illegal abortions in Chile is very high, I recently read an article that said that annually make 150 000 a year, many of them in high society or ABC1. The same one that governs this country, therefore, cynicism, and double standard is so great. Let me nauseous!

Nor is there any promotion or campaigns to adopt children. Sename is an entity that has had many flaws, I do not know which is worse, that children are living in the institution or with their families even very poor.

I think you should have sex education from the garden, teach children to report any abuse, and more teens protect not only unwanted pregnancies but from different diseases that might spread.

Alcohol consumption is also a serious problem; we are the Latin American country that consumes more alcohol from 15 years of age. It is a legal drug by the cigarette. It slowly kills those who consume. It affects their family and people around him. Not to mention, the number of humans who have died at the hands of a drunk driver.
But advertising makes it attractive, close, are "cool" if I consume, and said between the lines ... everything is about money.

I think that since colonial times onwards, this country is defective. It seems normal to abuse us, we live in fear, and repression has always been fierce.
It is not said in the official story, but each time the ordinary people or the low society, always has been revealed, high society and his army have responded with rifle

For this, we will continue being a flock that only obeys

Monday, May 27, 2013

Would like!

Hello everyone!

Well, because of my career and the things I like, I want to see many of things and places. As paintings, sculptures, works of art in general, visit museums, including the Louvre, MOMA, Guggenheim, etc… Beautiful cities like Paris, Rome, Prague, Moscow, etc…

As a child my mother gave us lunch "fried brains" puaj! I hated it! She said: you do well, you should eat, Jajajjaja. That was the weirdest thing I've ever eaten.

The sport that I have ever played and I would like to do is the Tennis. I think it is a beautiful and exciting sport. I also really like the tennis clothing, jajjaajja.

I've never bungee jumped or done parachuting, do not know if it ever does, because I'm afraid of heights.

Yes, many times I was afraid, but I will not talk about it.

What I've never done and I love to do, is to travel by plane, to see and know everything I want.

For a long time working as a waitress, known and attended to several Chileans famous.
In exhibition openings I've also seen famous people, mainly political. Ricardo Lagos, Cecilia Morel, Luciano Cruz-Coke, etc…

I have also gone to concerts and have seen and heard: Roger Waters, Paul McCartney and the last Chuck Berry

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Santiago City

Hello Everyone!
Santiago is the capital of Chile, one of the cities (but) most important of the country. It is home to half of the national population, is divided into 37 districts, each with its municipalities, banks, hospitals, etc…

I live in Ñuñoa, the characteristic of this community is that it places the "National Stadium" not only for sports but also for concerts. However, one of my favorite neighborhoods is located in "downtown Santiago". “Lastarria neighborhoods”, in this place you will find many restaurants, from different types of meals, Pub's and coffee places. Cinema, clothing stores young designers, decoration shops and book shops.

Also there is the Museum of Visual Arts in the Plaza Mulato Gil, is named for the Peruvian painter José Gil de Castro who arrived in Chile in the 1800s and settled in this place with your paintshop and residence, also found the "Church of the Vera Cruz", built between 1855 and 1857. In reminder to the conquistador Pedro de Valdivia, who possibly lived in this place.

Near this place we find the Forest Park which was built in 1894 by the French landscape architect, Jorge Dubois, this park has six thousand tree species, recreational games, and various monuments. 

In this park stands the Museum of Fine Arts and the Museum of Contemporary Art, this neoclassical building was inaugurated in 1910 to celebrate the centenary of the Chilean Republic. The celebration was with an international exhibition of painting and sculpture. The Frontis facing the street José Miguel de la Barra, has always been museum, but the rear facing the park was initially the School of Fine Arts until 1973 and then became the Museum of Contemporary Art, belonging to the University of Chile.

I like this part of town because it has different places related to the culture and arts, very close to each other, many of them free, and good transport to reach them. I Live in Santiago ten years ago and what I do not like is the traffic congestion, overcrowding and pollution.